The story
Imagine you want to fill out a PDF form for 100 employees with a specific name and address for each of them. You got the PDF form and all your staff information in an Excel file.
That's when PDF Mail Merger helps.
After inputting an Excel file and a PDF file, you can drag and drop the Excel headers into arbitrary positions or match them with native PDF form fields, and then the app will generate multiple PDFs for you based on rows in the Excel file.
You got 100 different PDFs for each employee now.
- Drag & drop fields to customize PDF template
- Support native PDF forms
- Support custom fonts
- Support multiple-pages PDFs
- Support QR code rendering
- Support .xlsx, .xls and .ods Excel files
- Send out emails with PDF attachments
- Work offline
- For Windows: PDF-Mail-Merger-Setup-1.2.6.exe
- For macOS (Apple Silicon): PDF-Mail-Merger-1.2.6-arm64.dmg
- For macOS (Intel): PDF-Mail-Merger-1.2.6.dmg
- For Linux: PDF-Mail-Merger-1.2.6.AppImage
On Gumroad
One-time fee. Multiple platforms: macOS, Windows, Linux. No refunds.